benefit to you

My Services

As far as ICT is concerned, I can provide all the services which you or your organization might require in the areas of modernization of IT infrastructure & apps, Software Products, Website/Portals, Payment Gateway etc

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Consultancy Services

System requirement study (SRS),  Planning & feasibility study, IT system modernization planning, DPR, Techno Economic Analysis,  Project Management Services  

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Website / E-Commerce Portal development

Get your website live within 2 days with domain name, hosting, SSL etc.    

Launch E-commerce Portal within 10 days with features like product catalogue, payment gateway, shopping cart etc. 

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Mobile app Development

Dynamic Android/iOS app development service with backend system development.

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Customized software Development

End to end solutioning for customized software development including design, development & implementation services.

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SEO Services

Services for SEO optimization

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Social Media Marketing Services

Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter marketing services 

Free Consultation

Request A Meeting

To start with, feel free to discuss with me what are your requirement or challenges you are facing or areas where you want to implement some IT solutions or goals you want to achieve. I will be glad to guide you.